Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Fifth Element, Bonnie's Review

Well since my co-blogger reviewed the 1997 sci-fi goodness also known as The Fifth Element, I figured I might as well give my opinion as well. So here we go...

Movie Summery: We find ourselves fast-forwarded to the year 2263, where Army major-turned taxicab driver Korben Dallas (Bruce Willis) is off trying to save the world with the Fifth Element a.k.a. "The Perfect Being" a.k.a. Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) and these two priests (well one is a wannabe priest in training) Vito Cornelius (Ian Holm) and David (Charlie Creed-Miles) (the only "normal" name in the entire movie!) from the wealthy asshole Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg (Gary Oldman) who is bent on collecting these stones that are used to unlock Leeloo's weapon "Divine Light". But low and behold every movie must have the obnoxious character and this one is no exception. Ruby Rhod (Chris Tucker) is the ever annoying and ultra flamboyant radio personality that somehow manages to actually be useful in aiding our heros in their fight against the Great Evil. Not a common trait for annoying characters to actually be useful. Of course Korben eventually ends up kicking serious ass while Leeloo has to decide whether or not if the Earth is worth saving. What will she decide? Watch the movie and find out for yourself!


- Korben Dallas
- Main Character
- Kicks Ass
- Ex Army Major
- Lonely Middle-Aged Man Seeking Orange Haired Life Mate

- Leeloo a.k.a. The Perfect Being a.k.a. The Fifth Element
- Main Character
- Holds Power That Could Save The World
- Doesn't Speak English
- Confused 99% Of The Movie Due To Being Asleep For 5000 Years

- Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg
- Main Enemy
- Wealthy Asshole Obsessed With Collecting Stones (That Could Kill Everyone)
- Kind Of A Weeny
- Definitely An Asshole

- Mangalore
- Enemy
- Shape shifters
- Kind Of Gullible
- Definitely Ugly

- Ruby Rhod
- Supporting Character
- Radio Show Host
- Really Really Fucking Annoying
- Probably A Closeted Gay With Straight Tendencies

- David
- Supporting Character
- He Discovers The Fifth Element For Who She Is
- Only Character With A Normal Name
- Good With Puzzles

- Priest Vito Cornelius
- Supporting Character
- Kind Of An Asshole
- Not A Priest I Would Attend Service With
- Speaks Fluent Leeloo

  1. A decent amount of comedy without it being too cheesy or overdone
  2. Stays true to the sci-fi genre
  3. Has very unique and relate-able characters
  4. Appropriate amount of romance, I hate overly romantic non-romantic movies
  5. Maintains consistent interest
  6. Right amount of sexuality
  7. Right movie time, not too long, not too short
  8. Good plot twist
  9. Good soundtrack
  1. Not enough engaging action, I like a fair amount of mortal chaos
  2. Kind of a slow beginning, not bad, but still dragged out longer than it needed to
  3. It had some wtf moments where you went, "what just happened?" and it didn't have anything to do with the rest of the movie
  4. Random character, the weird blue opera singer thing. But that could be just me, I just find her random and really gross looking
  5. Really gross looking blue opera singer (yeah, emphasis on '4')
  6. Slightly cheesy ending
Final Thoughts: All in all I find this movie to be adorable. It has a great cast, great characters (even if they are annoying and/or gross), and an all around slightly cliche' yet good plot. My only real distaste lies with that hideous blue opera singer purely because I find her just disgusting. The soundtrack was dead on with every scene and every scene had a point, even with the occasional wtf moment. Now it did not grab me and impress me too much in particular because the plot was mostly cliche (though I do have to give credit to the plot twist). But I was entertained nonetheless. It is no thrill ride or mind boggling experience but more of a fun little treat that everyone should enjoy at least once. The Fifth Element is in my opinion a borderline family film. There are sexual connotations but if your kids are young enough they won't get it anyway, plus they are few and far between and not outright "fuck me you dirty girl" level. As a whole the movie is quirky, fun, cute, and definitely a good time to be had by all that contained the right amount of everything.

My Score:
  • Humour (0 - 5): 5
  • Violence (0 - 5): 3
  • Intelligence (0 - 5): 2
  • Action (0 - 5): 4
  • Sexuality (0 - 5): 3
  • Overall Score (0 - 10): 6.5 

    Friday, October 8, 2010

    Hi I'm Bonnie

    Hello! My name is not actually Bonnie, it's Doll. Please don't stalk me (my boyfriend would probably kill you and it would be so annoying dealing with legal matters so just don't, k?). I speak fluent chat speak and 1337 and nine times out of ten I will get an internet meme. I use to play video games for days on end but nowadays calling myself a "gamer" seems almost inappropriate. My time is spent online (girls DO exist on the internet!), at school, and tormenting the local 24/7 grocery stores with my boyfriend. On my "off time" I am probably watching some underground film that no one has ever heard of or some foreign flick that I pretend to understand. I love culture and quality and I find that these films due to their unpopularity, tend to be better than the overrated movies you'll find in the local cinema. That being said I am incredibly picky and very critical of movies. Almost nothing that has hit the big screen would pass as a blockbuster hit if it were up to me. Don't get me wrong though. I fucking love movies. I would just rather watch something dust covered than covered in gold. You can expect me to give a very nit-picky review about the latest flicks that will probably seem unfair and hyper critical to you which you will probably disagree with (because you're a generic pussy). But I couldn't care less so please enjoy the site and wit from me and my fellow critic, Clyde and have a nice day~!

    The Very Basics:
    • D.O.B. : January 8th, 1992
    • Gender: Female
    • Status: Taken/Not Interested In You
    • Favourite Colour: Dark Red
    • Favourite Number: 3

    Shit I Like:
    • Art
    • Movies
    • Music
    • Giraffes
    • Pygmy Marmosets
    • Gore
    • Morbidity
    • Sexual Innuendos
    • Porn
    • Sex
    • Freaky Shit
    • Swearing
    • Internet Memes
    • Pokemon
    • Games
    Shit I Dislike:
    • People
    • Stupid People
    • Loud People
    • Hypocrisy
    • Stupidity
    • People
    • People
    • Overrated Shit
    • Close Mindedness
    • People