
Bonnie and Clyde Reviews claims no ownership or relation to anything "Bonnie and Clyde." We just decided to use our nicknames which also seemed appropriate due to the content on this site (hey, we're jerks). The content on this site is uncensored and probably offensive. We at Bonnie and Clyde Reviews do not give a crap if you do not like what is said here. Go ahead and post your opinions in the comments but other then that we honestly don't care. This blog is used for our own personal use of simply giving our own opinions and reviews on movies (and maybe T.V. shows though we don't really watch television) we watch. We are not signed to, associated with, or affiliated with any official review source and are by no means professionals. Again, this is just what we think and that's it. We also claim no ownership over any pictures posted here or movies discussed UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. Yes, if we actually do own something we have posted here, WE WILL SAY SO. Other then that don't get your panties in a bunch. If a picture is posted here that you own and you would rather we not use it, then go ahead and contact us at bonnieandclydereviews@gmail.com and we will take it down. We aren't actually thieves so we will happily respect your wishes if you do in fact own said picture/content. If you own the movie(s) reviewed here and wish for us to take them off of our site Bonnie and Clyde Reviews, then again just email us at bonnieandclydereviews@gmail.com and we will discuss with you there. Though we probably won't do it just because come on, seriously? It's freedom of speech. Chill out.


We're a couple of college kids spewing our opinions on flicks. Viewer discretion is advised. We don't own anything and will say so if we do. If you own something we post here and want it removed then email us at bonnieandclydereviews@gmail.com.