Friday, October 8, 2010

Hi I'm Bonnie

Hello! My name is not actually Bonnie, it's Doll. Please don't stalk me (my boyfriend would probably kill you and it would be so annoying dealing with legal matters so just don't, k?). I speak fluent chat speak and 1337 and nine times out of ten I will get an internet meme. I use to play video games for days on end but nowadays calling myself a "gamer" seems almost inappropriate. My time is spent online (girls DO exist on the internet!), at school, and tormenting the local 24/7 grocery stores with my boyfriend. On my "off time" I am probably watching some underground film that no one has ever heard of or some foreign flick that I pretend to understand. I love culture and quality and I find that these films due to their unpopularity, tend to be better than the overrated movies you'll find in the local cinema. That being said I am incredibly picky and very critical of movies. Almost nothing that has hit the big screen would pass as a blockbuster hit if it were up to me. Don't get me wrong though. I fucking love movies. I would just rather watch something dust covered than covered in gold. You can expect me to give a very nit-picky review about the latest flicks that will probably seem unfair and hyper critical to you which you will probably disagree with (because you're a generic pussy). But I couldn't care less so please enjoy the site and wit from me and my fellow critic, Clyde and have a nice day~!

The Very Basics:
  • D.O.B. : January 8th, 1992
  • Gender: Female
  • Status: Taken/Not Interested In You
  • Favourite Colour: Dark Red
  • Favourite Number: 3

Shit I Like:
  • Art
  • Movies
  • Music
  • Giraffes
  • Pygmy Marmosets
  • Gore
  • Morbidity
  • Sexual Innuendos
  • Porn
  • Sex
  • Freaky Shit
  • Swearing
  • Internet Memes
  • Pokemon
  • Games
Shit I Dislike:
  • People
  • Stupid People
  • Loud People
  • Hypocrisy
  • Stupidity
  • People
  • People
  • Overrated Shit
  • Close Mindedness
  • People

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